Welcome to our class website

No training contracts

No uniform to get started

Thornton Taekwon-Do is a class that trains students in the martial art of Taekwon-Do for self-defense and physical fitness. It is a member school in the United States Taekwon-Do Federation (USTF). The training includes basic techniques, self-defense skills, breaking, and various types of sparring. Through training Students are able to:

  • earn USTF rank from white belt through several levels of black belt
  • compete in tournaments
  • attend various USTF training events

The class is available to kids and adults. There's no need to be in top physical condition in order to start. Kids do need to be at least 8 years old when they start class. Families are welcome to join and train together.

Classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7 pm to 8:30 pm at the Mary Carpenter Recreation Center, located at 112th and Colorado in Thornton. Classes are held all year long except for Thanksgiving Day and the last two weeks of the year. Testings are usually held at the same location were we are training.

Thornton TKD is operated under the City of Thornton recreation department. The City handles registration and fees for each session. The instructors handle the training and testing of the students. To find information on class schedules and session fees, please see the City of Thornton Recreation website, email them at Recreation Department at the City of Thornton, or call them at 303-255-7800.

Notifications of a class cancellation
Class are held as scheduled and are only canceled only on decision of the City of Thornton. If classes are canceled, the city will update their weather phone line at 720-977-5908. Notices may also be posted on the City of Thornton website or the City Recreation Departments Facebook page. However the weather line is the first place that is updated when there is a closure. Please do not call any of the instructors to ask if class has been canceled.